Latest projects / FITTER-EU / First workshop about just twin transition and its vulnerabilities
Organised by our colleagues, the University Complutense of Madrid in the the FITTER-EU project (Fitter-EU), presently, the consortium is hosting an online workshop on the complexities and challenges of twin transitions. Titled ‘Twin transitions and associated vulnerabilities’, the workshop introduces the concepts of the FITTER-EU project and the following discussions sessions will be held:
I. Problematising vulnerabilities in the context of the twin transition.
II.Thematic groups.
We look forward to powerful discussions in line with our co-creation approach!
For people not familiar with the project, FITTER-EU is aimed at investigating twin green and digital transitions, which must be socially fair recognising existing inequalities and vulnerabilities for possible distributional impacts of new and revised policies. The research is conducted based on devised baseline scenarios, collectively designed with a view to better equip policymakers, industry and the civil society with tools that aim to help ensure that the twin transition process is fair and inclusive. In doing so, it is the intention that everyone reaps its benefits irrespective of gender, socioeconomic, employment, health status, race, ethnicity, age, citizenship, sexuality, functional ability, religion or belief.
The project is led by TU-Dublin.