Latest projects / Diamond


November 2018 till January 2022 

2,500,000 €

DIAMOND project reveals fair and actionable knowledge from data to support women’s inclusion in current and future European transport systems. DIAMOND project analysed and converted data into knowledge with notions of impartiality to support gender inclusion in current and future transport systems from the perspective of women as transport users and as professionals in the sector. The project made use of data mining and analytics, together with the use of elicitation techniques in order to gather and analyse gender desegregated data, including new sources, to identify, design and evaluate specific measurements for fulfilling women’s needs and expectations from the transport sector. The knowledge gathered is to be fed into a self-diagnoses tool, a practical decision support system and for the production of diverse materials, providing recommendations on how to achieve fair gender inclusiveness in different scenarios and promoting female employment in the sector. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 824326.


Technical Project Coordinator. WP2 Leader: Conceptual framework. WP6 Leader: DIAMOND testing and validation.

  • Providing detailed definition of each use-case, the requirements in terms of data, the defined metrics and the results that are expected to emerge from the analysis of this use-case.
  • Fairness concept definition, to assess the level of fair inclusion of a transport operator and take action to generate more inclusive transport system
  • DIAMOND methodology design and development, clearly define the methodology in the project to assess women inclusion in the transport sector.
  • Definition of the conceptual framework with the objective to clearly provide a definition of the conceptual framework as a whole.
  • AI based computational analysis of data and contribution to the Tolkit4Fairness Toolbox.
  • To and their capacity to achieve a fair inclusion. test and evaluate the DIAMOND tools