Archivo por meses: julio 2019

DIAMOND in the TinnGo meeting in June at Valencia

The Work Programme 2018-2020 of the Horizon 2020 in its topic MG-4-3-2018: Demographic change and participation of women in transport of the Horizon funds two projects: TinnGo and DIAMOND.

With the aim that both projects were in connection and benefiting each one of the progress of the other, it was arranged that, as far as possible, any partner of one project participate in the coordination meetings of the other partner to interchange the TinnGo and DIAMOND current status.

AITEC, as member of the DIAMOND project was invited to the last coordination meeting of TinnGo which took place between 19th and 21th June 2019 in Valencia. The responsible to carry out the presentation was its technical coordinator, Dr. Francisco Santarremigia.

Before this presentation, the TinnGo team, led by Prof. Andree Woodcock from the Coventry University, share its status also and a dialogue started with the aim to both give their feedback in order to improve the research of the two projects.

The coordination action was a great successful in order to improve the research for a more inclusive gender transport system.

gADGeTs project – Validation of the tool in use cases

gADGeTs project has successfully finished in May 2019 after the testing of the tool in four companies transporting dangerous goods. Validation companies were located in Valencia, Mallorca, Barcelona and Ibiza. This use cases included road expeditions of packages, road multimodal expeditions, and road-maritime expeditions of tanks and packages.

During the testing and validation of the tool several key performance indicators (KPIs) were monitored, adaptation to the facilities and particularities of the company was done (e.g. user creation, list of drivers and vehicles, etc.), and some errors of the tool were detected and solved.

The implementation of gADGeTs in four use cases has shown improvements in the reduction of rejected trucks, with gADGeTs there are not mistakes in the legal transport documentation and protective equipment needed for handling the different types of dangerous goods and then no truck is rejected; also the number of incidences is lower when gADGeTs is used. The use of gADGets has shown to be a tool that makes easier the preparation of transport documentation, without errors and which makes safer the transport of dangerous goods.

DIAMOND in the 9th TDM Symposium

Last 18th – 21st June 2019 the 9th International Travel Demand Management (TDM) symposium was organised by Edinburgh Napier University to provide intellectual exchange of international research findings with leading researchers and professionals in the field.

The symposium contributions encompass topics such as new challenges in public transportation systems, public awareness and impacts, shared use and ownership or behavioural aspects among others.

This symposium was a platform for best practice sharing and networking with other researchers. The DIAMOND project had a special session with three presentations in order to show and share its scientific and technological advances with the scientific community for a higher and fair inclusion of women in transport systems.

AITEC, as member of the DIAMOND consortium, participated in this dissemination action. Dra. Sara Poveda was the responsible to perform the presentation ‘The DIAMOND performance indicators: guidelines for delivering gender balance in the transport sector’.