Directive 96/35/EC of 3 June 1996 and ADR for the transport of dangerous goods by road, forcing the appointment of a DGSA to all those companies whose business involves:
- Transport of dangerous goods
- Packaging, loading and unloading operations of packed goods
- Loading and unloading of bulk dangerous goods and tanks
To obtain a Certificate of DGSA (dangerous goods safety advisor) is not required any previous qualification, however it is necessary to pass an examination set by authorities in each region to enable the DGSA certificate valid for all Europe.
AITEC provides anyone interested in the DGSA certificate with an E-LEARNING COURSE which prepare the exam to obtain or renew this certificate. This course is monitored by DGSAs with large experience in this field and in training actions
This course will include the new regulatory changes that appears in the new Code ADR 2015 mandatory since July 1st, 2015.