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AITEC present in the II Industry Workshop 4.0. The Digital Challenge

AITEC was present on November 14th at the II Industry Workshop 4.0. The Digital Challenge where the latest topics of technological advances were addressed and through round tables were able to discuss the current challenges of the companies.

jornada industria
This conference aimed at professionals in the sector aimed to discover the new business opportunities offered by the digital age and to know the latest trends in the sector of industry 4.0. As well as knowing the real actors of this new industrial revolution.

From AITEC we continue to train and work to improve our services and offer the most innovative solutions in this type of meeting with other professionals who feel passion for Networking.

Financial Guarantee of Environmental Responsibility

Recently it has been published in the B.O.E. Order APM / 1040/2017, of October 23, establishing the date from which the constitution of the mandatory financial guarantee for the activities of Annex III of Law 26/2007, of 23 October, of Environmental Responsibility, classified as level of priority 1 and 2, by Order ARM / 1783/2011, of June 22, and by which its annex is modified.

The purpose of this order is to establish the date from which the financial guarantee will be required for activities classified with priority level 1 and priority level 2 in Order ARM / 1783/2011, of June 22.

garantia ambiental 3

In this sense, the activities classified with priority level 1 in Order ARM / 1783/2011, must have a financial guarantee that allows them to face the environmental responsibility inherent in the activity or activities that they intend to develop, within the term of one year from the date of entry into force of Order APM / 1040/2017, while the activities classified with priority level 2in Order ARM / 1783/2011, must have a financial guarantee that allows them to face to the environmental responsibility inherent to the activity or activities that they intend to develop, within two years from the date of entry into force of the aforementioned order.
From now on it is essential for the affected companies to have a Risk Analysis. Our experience of more than 8 years in the development of quantitative risk analysis (ACRs) supports us, characterizing our studies by a transparent and rigorous methodology defined in 4 phases:
1- Data collection.
2- Analysis of Environmental Risks according to the requirements of RD 2090/2008 (Regulation developed by Law 26/2007 on Environmental Responsibility) and the UNE150.008 standard.
3- Technical administrative procedure for the Verification, or approval by the Technical Commission of prevention and repair of environmental risks, as appropriate.
4- Technical Assistance and collaboration with the Company, Sector Platform or User Board to gradually reduce environmental risks (and with it the Financial Guarantee).

Conference «How to deal with an internal audit»

On Wednesday July 18, our AITEC partner Miguel Hervás offered a workshop promoted by the Environmental Sciences College of the Valencian Community.

This workshop was aimed at providing a practical training for technicians or future technicians of Quality, Environment and Labour risk prevention on how to deal with an internal audit of the different management systems implemented in companies, including the application of techniques imported from other sectors.


The workshop was held free of charge at the Campus of Burjassot, at the University of Valencia and had more than 20 attendees. Attendees belonged to many different fields, from young students to people who were active and who were looking for reinforcement and innovations to promote the success of the management systems implemented in their companies.

We hope that the workshop will help the professional development of the assistants, and the collaboration with the school of environmental sciences of the Valencian Community is very positive and lasting.

CODESIGN Session – EUREKA Project «gaDGeTs»

codiseñoIn the framework of our EUREKA «gaDGeTs» Project, on July 18, 2017, our R & D & i department carried out, together with the responsible people for a shipper, loader and transporter of dangerous godos organization, a session of CODESIGN of the «gaDGeTs» tool.

During this session, we worked on avoiding the most important barriers of implementation of this tool, identified in a previous phase of our project. Thanks to the collaboration of this company´s people, we were able to extract important information about the best options to avoid such barriers and facilitate the implementation of «gaDGeTs» in companies working with dangerous goods.

With this, we have taken a new step in the search for a tool that responds to the needs of any company that wants to achieve a safe and optimized management of its dangerous goods.

Real Decreto 563/2017 of June 2, governs the technical inspections on the road of commercial vehicles circulating in Spanish territory.

Directive 2014/47 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 on road technical inspections of commercial vehicles circulating in the European Union entered into force on May 2014. Directive updating the system of road technical inspections by establishing minimum requirements common to all Member States with the aim of improving road safety. Now, the recently published Real Decreto 563/2017 of June 2 incorporates the content of the Directive into Spanish law.

This regulation will apply to all commercial vehicles that circulate in Spanish territory, irrespective of the State in which they have registered, as vehicles for the transportation of persons and baggage and transport of goods of more than 3.5 t.

Resultado de imagen de transporte de mercancias

This is to ensure that vehicles circulating throughout the EU are in good safety and environmental condition during use (Chapters I and II).

Another fundamental point on which it affects, when considering it an essential aspect for road safety, is the correct subjection of the load in the vehicle in which it is transported (Chapter III). For its part, Chapter IV refers to the regulations applicable in sanctioning, determining the figure of the person responsible for maintaining the vehicle under suitable conditions.

All this is done in order to ensure that within the U.E. Commercial road transport is carried out in the most sustainable, safe and competitive way.

From AITEC several training days have been prepared, to give rise to the compliance with these regulations, which will take effect on May 20, 2018, in addition to making a correct stowage of the merchandise under the UNE 12195-1: 2011.



Inauguration ceremony of doctors from the R & D & i department of AITEC

Staff of the AITEC R & D & i department invested as doctors by the Polytechnic University of Valencia in the solemn closing ceremony of the academic year 2016-2017.

Sin título

The Universitat Politècnica de València has celebrated today, Thursday, June 29, 2017 at 11:30 am, the Closing of the academic year 2016-2017, in the Auditorium of the Rectorate.

In this solemn act has been awarded the diploma accrediting the extraordinary Prizes of Doctoral Thesis, and the investiture has been made as new Doctors and Doctors.

Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail RID 2017


Today, the amendments to the Regulation on the International Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail have been published in the BOE. (RID 2017) Appendix C to the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF), done at Berne on 9 May 1980, adopted by the Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods at its 54th meeting in Bern on 25 May 2016.


The provisions of the new RID 2017 regulations came into effect on January 1, 2017, and replace the RID 2015, however a transitional measure allows to continue applying the RID 2015 until June 30, 2017.

The European Union has also adopted the new regulation through the adoption of Commission Directive (EU) 2016/2309. The RID is a legal and essential rule that regulates the international transport of dangerous goods by rail. In Spain, it also applies to national transport.

The RID 2017 contains new provisions that incorporate the advances derived from technical and scientific progress and which contribute gradually to an improvement of safety.

Seminar «Risk analysis 4.0 for complex systems and critical infraestructures»

Aitec attended yesterday the seminar offered by the Polytechnic University of Valencia «Risk analysis 4.0 for complex systems and critical infrastructures».

This seminar offered by Gumersindo J. Verdú Martín addressed the critical infrastructure risk analysis, focusing on security, reliability, maintenance, resilience and flexibility as key indicators.
